Welcome to Bethel!

Join us on Sundays

  • First Service: 9:00am
  • Second Service: 11:00am

Family Ministries & Live Stream: 9:00am

Bethel Church
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What to expect on Sundays
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Events happen at church, in the community, and online. Check out what's coming up!
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Thank you for your generous support of Bethel's mission. Donations are accepted by e-transfer, CanadaHelps, monthly withdrawal and more.
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“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:19-20)

Join Our Community

Family Ministries

Safe and fun programming available during the 9am Sunday service. Family Ministries includes Nursery (Age 0-2), Waumba Land (Age 3-5), and UpStreet (Gr 1-5).

Junior & Senior High

Interactive learning on Sunday mornings for Junior High students, and Friday nights are full of activities, outings, and learning for both Jr & Sr High students.

Post-Secondary Students

With Kingston being home to Queen’s University, St. Lawrence College, and RMC, and Bethel has a large student population!

Life Groups

A LIFE Group is a group of about 8-12 people that meet together on a regular basis for the purpose of GROWTH (personal transformation through community for multiplication).

myBethel Database

Login or request to join our online communication hub "myBethel" which allows Bethel's leaders, volunteers, and attendees to share info, schedules, and needs within various volunteer teams, Life Groups, and more.

Request Prayer

How can we pray for you? Send a prayer request and someone on our Prayer Team will lift you up to God today.