Volunteer Opportunities

One of the best ways to grow as a disciple of Jesus is to serve others! There are many areas of ministry and service at Bethel where you can use your gifts and talents.

Below is a quick list of opportunities; more information please email the office (office[at]bethelkingston.com) and your inquiry will be forwarded to the appropriate Team Leader. Our Team Leaders would love to chat with you…and a conversation is not a commitment! Also you may want to check out our Volunteer Process, which your Team Leader will also guide you through if you choose to serve.

From the Archives…

We recently found this volunteer promo video the archives, circa 2010. Let’s not get caught in the Bethel Twilight Zone…! (Re-shared with permission from the actors.)


Provide childcare for children ages 0-2. • Time Commitment: One Sunday morning every 3-4 weeks, arriving by 9:45AM.
Email Pastor Jamie
Play games, do crafts, and lead simple Bible lessons with kids ages 3-5. (Curriculum and resources provided.) • Time Commitment: One Sunday morning every 3-4 weeks, arriving by 9:30AM, plus time before Sunday to read the lesson.
Email Pastor Jamie
Teach Bible lessons through creative and interactive ways to elementary students (Gr. 1-5). (Curriculum and resources provided.) • Time Commitment: One Sunday morning every 3-4 weeks, arriving by 9:30AM, plus time to read the lesson before Sunday.
Email Pastor Jamie
Engage Middle School students (Gr. 6-8) on Tuesday nights and/or Sunday mornings through games, activities, Bible teachings and small group discussions. (Curriculum and resources provided.) • Time Commitment: 4-5 hours weekly through the school year
Email Pastor Connor
Engage High School students (Gr. 9-12) on Friday nights and Sunday mornings through games, activities, Bible teachings and small group discussions. (Curriculum and resources provided.) • Time Commitment: 4-5 hours weekly through the school year
Email Pastor Connor
Prepare, set up, and clean up coffee & tea in the Gym on Sunday morning. This is great to do with a spouse, friends, or Life Group. (Training and most supplies provided.) • Time Commitment: One Sunday every 3-4 weeks, setting up before the service and cleaning up after the service.
Email Mike
Welcome and direct people on Sunday morning and help ensure a comfortable and safe environment for everyone during the service. (Training and orientation provided.) • Time Commitment: one Sunday per month, arriving by 9:30AM.
Email Caroline
Lead the congregation in worship as a musician and/or vocalist, under direction of a Worship Leader. (Auditions required.) • Time Commitment: one Sunday morning every 3-4 weeks, arriving by 8:30AM, plus occasional evening practices during the week.
Email Will
Operate the Behringer x32 sound board on Sunday morning; set-up equipment on the platform in coordination with the Worship Team. (Training provided.) • Time Commitment: one Sunday morning every 3-4 weeks, arriving by 8:30AM with the Worship Team.
Email Karl
Run the Sunday morning visual presentation through ProPresenter, including song slides, sermon slides, and videos. (Training provided.) • Time Commitment: one Sunday morning every 3-4 weeks, arriving by 9:00AM.
Email Keri
Use vMix live streaming software to broadcast the church service online. (Training provided.) • Time Commitment: one Sunday morning every 3-4 weeks, arriving by 9:30AM.
Email Keri
Count, record and deposit Sunday offerings. (Training provided.) • Time Commitment: One Sunday every 3-4 weeks, approx. 45 minutes during or after the service.
Email Heather

Volunteer Process

Thanks for your desire to volunteer with us! Our volunteer application process is intended to ensure the safety of all the children, youth and vulnerable persons at Bethel, and contains the following steps:

  1. Potential new volunteers are asked to wait until they have attended Bethel six months before applying. Exceptions can be made in some cases, using an enhanced reference process.
  2. Contact the Ministry Leader for the ministry in which you wish to serve to express your interest and set up a meeting. You and the Ministry Leader will talk about the role, time commitment, and other aspects of the ministry and determine if this is a good fit for your gifts and talents. You may also be invited to shadow the role during a Sunday service to get a feel for the position.
  3. Should you be deemed suited to the ministry you have applied for, the next step is to fill out the NEW Volunteer Application Form online. (Or download and print a paper copy here (link TBC) and hand it in to the Ministry Leader or the church office. 
  4. The Ministry Leader will also put you in touch with Carmen, the Church Administrator (carmen(at)bethelkingston.com) so you can obtain a Police Check with a Vulnerable Sector Check, at a cost of $29.00. If this presents a financial hardship for you, the church can reimburse you.
  5. Once all references have been checked and the Police Check has been completed, you are then cleared for ministry; in some instances you may be able to start serving before the paperwork is completed. The church will contact you at various intervals to remind you about training and/or needing to update your paperwork/police check.
  6. You will also have to attend a mandatory Plan to Protect Volunteer training session, followed by a yearly refresher course. Plan to Protect Volunteer training is held periodically throughout the year; you will be contacted with dates and times. Learn more about Plan to Protect training & upcoming dates here.

Serve in the City

We also encourage serving outside of Bethel’s walls! As a church, Bethel supports several local ministries, and we encourage you to volunteer your time and talents with these organizations as well.

KINGSTON PREGNANCY CARE CENTRE | KPCC supports women of all ages facing an unplanned or stressful pregnancy.
LIONHEARTS | Lionhearts collects, sorts and redistributes donations of food and clothing from local business businesses to those in need.
MARTHA’S TABLE | Martha’s Table provides low-cost nutritious meals to those in need, in a safe and accepting environment.
NIGHTLIGHT | (Nightlight is currently closed until a new location is found. Stay tuned!)
SALVATION ARMY | The Salvation Army operates a wide variety of activities, programs, and services throughout the year to assist in our community.