Groups of 8-12 people who meet, study, and ‘do-life’ together regularly for the purpose of growth and personal transformation in community. Life Groups can be SHORT-TERM or LONG-TERM.
Small groups can have big impact in the local and global church (or ‘Life group’, doing life together). At Bethel, we believe small groups are where people can experience the in-depth teaching, warmth and vulnerability of the church at a deeper level than what can be done Sunday mornings. You can think of Sundays as the Temple, where all believers can come together once a week to worship, praise, hear the Word, and be sent out again. The small group is like a Table, where a select group of believers can meet together at a dedicated time to study, pray, eat, worship, plan, grow, etc. together, around a particular topic, as a tight-knit group. What does a small group value? Check out our values below
LIFE Group Values
Gospel-Identity: As followers of Jesus, our identity is found in who God says we are, on the good news of everything Jesus has accomplished for us in His life, death and resurrection. Small groups helps us to explore the meaning of our gospel-identity.
Worship: Worship is more than just music; worship is giving our whole lives to God in honour, dedication and thanksgiving. Small groups help us to draw deeper into this ‘worship lifestyle’, with or without music!
Community: God created us not just to walk alone with Jesus, but in a community. This is the Church. On a smaller level, this can be the small group. We love Him by also loving others.
Mission: God has not just given us a new identity, life-dedication and community, but also a mission to share this good news, inside and outside the walls of the church. There are so many creative ways to do this individually and corporately, and small groups can be great catalysts for this mission.
Interested in Becoming a Leader?
Use the sign-up form to register today! Life Group training is available for current and new leaders.
Interested in Getting Trained?
At Bethel, we love to train our leaders to lead effective groups, which includes giving them leadership training, an open form to talk with other group leaders, and resources to run their groups! To get connected with our leadership resources, check out the link below!
LIFE Group Styles
Life Groups are facilitated with a variety of styles, often more than one. As groups are advertised on this page, you will see the styles noted for each one.
BIBLE STUDY | Learning & studying directly from the Bible.
BOOK STUDY | Learning & studying from a themed, Christian book.
VIDEO STUDY | Learning from a themed, Christian video series.
DISCUSSION | Learning from, and sharing with, people in the group.
PRAYER | Praying about what has been learned, and for people in the group.
Short-Term Life Groups
A Short-Term group is a great place to plug-in if you are new to Bethel, if you are new to the idea of Life Groups altogether, or if you aren’t able to commit to a continuous Long-Term group. You’ll meet new people in our community, get to know Bethel’s pastors and other trusted leaders who facilitate these groups, and we’re excited to get to know you too!
Each Short-Term Life Group focuses on a specific theme such as exploring Christianity, spiritual disciplines, relationships, prayer, or apologetics. Choose the group that is right for you!
Groups are launched twice per year and meet at the church or on Zoom. Studies for each season are advertised in advance with course descriptions, dates and times.
- Fall (late-September)
- Winter (early-February)
Announcements for upcoming Short-Term Life Groups are made several weeks in advance of start dates. Keep your eyes & ears open for announcements during church services, notices in Update Emails, posts on social media, updates on this page, or email reint-jan@bethelkingston.com
Registration links are posted on this web page; you can also contact Reint-Jan (reint-jan@bethelkingston.com) to register. The group facilitator will contact you before the start date with information you need to know in advance. We hope that you’ll committing to attending each week of the study, but we do understand that shift-work is common and life circumstances happen.
Long-Term groups are hosted at a group member’s home, typically on a weeknight. The group collectively decides which themes or topics to study through out the year, and many groups incorporate social nights, prayer nights, and service projects. Long-Term Life Groups are autonomous in how they meet and run, with group leaders communicating and checking-in with the Life Group Pastor every few months.
How do I find a Long-Term group, or start one of my own?
First getting involved in a Short-Term group, especially if you’re new to Bethel! It’s a great way for you to get to know the people and pastors at Bethel, and for us to get to know you! Long-Term groups often spring up out of Short-Term groups, with people who have gotten to know each other and commit to growing together further. And don’t worry, Assistant Pastor Reint-Jan will guide you in this process of starting a new Long-Term group!
If you’ve done the Short-Term thing and are looking to join an existing Long-Term group, please contact reint-jan@bethelkingston.com. He would love to chat with you to get to know what you’re looking for, and get you connected with a group. (Please note that availability in Long-Term groups can sometimes be limited…which is why we encourage the growth of new groups!)
CLICK HERE to express interest
- Monday nights, 7:00PM-9:00PM
- Meeting various homes
- Facilitated by Reint-Jan Rammelaere
This new Life Group is open to all ages and will focus on building friendships, studying God's word, and praying together. The first bible study will be in the Gospel of Mark. We will initially meet at Bethel, with the intention of moving to one or more homes in the Central Kingston area.
CLICK HERE to express interest
- Monday evenings 6PM
- Meeting on Schooner Dr (address provided upon inquiry)
- Kid-friendly!
- Facilitated by Adam Decker
This new Life Group is perfect for families with children, but people of all ages and stages of life are invited too! We will be meeting at a few kid-friendly homes on Schooner Drive, so that kids of all ages can play together in a separate space with the adults meet for bible study. We will be meeting early on Monday evenings, so that families can return home at a reasonable time.
- Meeting monthly, on the last Thursday morning of the month; next meeting February 22, 2024
- 10:00am - 11:30am
- Meeting at Bethel in the Library
- Facilitated by Reint-Jan Rammelaere
What if I’m not ready for a LIFE Group?
In the Bible, Jesus didn’t call His disciples to join Him because they were ready – rather, it was journeying with Jesus that started their growth and discipleship!
Checking out a Short-Term Life Group is a great place to start your journey. There are no prerequisites for you to join; we simply ask that you be committed to respecting others, open to learning new things, and willing to participate in a safe space.
The only way to “get ready” is to get involved!
What if I’m unsure of this whole “Jesus” and “church” thing?
That’s ok! We are all on our individual journeys, but the best journey is one in community. We encourage you to check out one of our seeker or foundational Short-Term groups so you can explore and study your questions with others who probably have the same questions!
And if you’d like to talk to a Pastor about Jesus, church, or any other faith questions, please contact Pastor Daniel Critchlow