What to Expect on Sunday
At A Glance

Join us on Sunday!
Note: Only one service February 16th at 10:00am! Regular service times will resume February 26th (details below).
First Service: 9:00am
Also during first service:
– Live Stream
– Nursery & Children’s Programming (ages 0 – grade 8)
Coffee & Conversation (social time): 10:30am
Second Service: 11:00am
In Depth
Our diverse community is blessed to have:
- a large number of undergrad, grad, and post-grad students from Queen’s University, Royal Military College and St. Lawrence College.
- life-long Kingstonians, some of whom have called Bethel their church home since childhood.
- families with children of all ages – from newborn babies to high school grads.
- a large number of young professionals.
- people at different places in their spiritual journey, from seeking spiritual conversations to committed Christ followers.
- people from different denominational/church backgrounds, and others who have no church background at all.
Located downtown at 314 Johnson Street, many of our people walk, bike, or take the bus, and we have several parking options for those who drive.
Use the Google map below to get direction from where you live. Please note that Johnson Street is a one-way street going east/towards downtown. Brock Street, one block north, runs parallel to Johnson and is a one-way street going west.
CITY BUS | Kingston Transit bus routes 12 & 702 stop right at our intersection at Johnson & Barrie Streets. Visit the City of Kingston website for current bus schedules.
BIKING | Two bike racks are available, one at the end of our parking lot and one around the corner of our building just off of the parking lot. Be sure to bring your own bike lock.
PARKING | Parking can be tricky in downtown Kingston, but there are several options for our drivers.
- On-site parking with 12 spaces, including 3 accessible spots. Ideal for people with accessibility needs, or for families with young children.
- Parking lot across the street at the Robert Reid Funeral Home (309 Johnston Street). Ideal for families with children.
- Street parking. Park along Johnson Street, Barrie Street and other side streets as signage permits.
- Metro grocery store at Barrie & Brock Streets. Bethel attendees have permission to park at Metro during church services; please keep to the perimeter of their parking lot.
With our casual atmosphere and diverse congregation, our people come to church in everything from jeans & athletics to suits & dresses!
You are welcome to wear what you normal do during the week, or if you're feeling fancy you can dress up in your "Sunday best!"
You are also welcome to bring coffee & tea from home or a local coffee shop into the church service. We just ask that you keep a lid on your cup or travel mug; no open beverages please.
Enter through our Main Foyer from the parking lot or sidewalk. There you will be welcomed by our Greeting Team, easily identifiable by their orange lanyards & name tags. Let our Greeters know that this is your first visit and they will help you find things like the sanctuary, kids' programs, and washrooms.
Families with babies ages 0-2 may enter via the Side Entrance, a.k.a. East Wing Entrance, for quicker access to the nursery.
Kids from Pre-School (age 3) through Grade 8 sit with their parents in the Sanctuary for the first portion of the church service. Children from Pre-School through Grade 5 are dismissed for their programs after the first few worship songs, and students from Grade 6 - 8 are dismissed as the beginning of the sermon.
We no longer hand out paper bulletins on Sunday mornings, as we have transitioned to a Bethel Bulletin newsletter, emailed weekly. You can pick up a printed copy of the newsletter at the desk in the Main Foyer, or you can subscribe to receive the weekly newsletter by email.
We have nursery and programming for children Age 0 - Grade 8, however kids of all ages, including babies, are invited to worship with their parents for the first portion of the church service in the main Sanctuary.
Nursery (Ages 0-2) is open before the service, and you are welcome to drop off your baby either before the service or at anytime during the service. Do not worry about "interrupting" the church service if you decide to bring your child in or out!We also have casual seating and a live stream TV feed in our Library, which many parents of young babies use for a more relaxed environment.
- Pre-schoolers (Ages 3-5) start the service with their parents in the Sanctuary (or Library) for about 10-15 minutes of worship, before being dismissed for their program called "Waumba Land." You must go with your pre-schooler to drop them off at Waumba Land, and don't worry about interrupting the church service when you return.
- Elementary students (Grades 1 - 5) also start the service with their parents in the Sanctuary for about 10-15 minutes of worship, before being dismissed at the same time as the pre-schoolers for their program called "UpStreet." You do not have to go with your elementary-aged child to drop them off, unless you'd like to.
- Middle School students (Grades 6-8) stay with their parents in the Sanctuary for a bit longer, approx. 30 minutes; they are dismissed for the Middle School program at the beginning of the sermon.
At the end of the church service, kids from Grades 5 and under must be picked up from their program by their parents.
Our church service is generally 75 minutes.
The service generally includes 3-5 songs lead by a worship team. We usually sing contemporary worship songs, but also like to include more traditional songs and hymns.
Throughout the service we include bible reading and prayer, and of course a bible-based message from one of our pastors or teaching team members. Check out our Sermons page or our YouTube channel to see previous sermons!
Bibles are available in the pew to follow along with, and many people also bring their own bible or use a bible app on their phones. (Would you like to take a bible home? Please take one from the pew or main foyer!)
We often include a "Ministry Feature" in the service, which is 5-10 minute segment that highlights a ministry within the church or an external ministry that Bethel supports.
Communion, also known as the Lord's Supper, is included in our service once a month, generally the first Sunday of the month. We currently use prepackaged juice and wafers.
Most of our church service is presented "live" by people and pastors on our platform/stage, but occasionally some parts of our service are presented by video.
After the church service, we have "Coffee & Conversation" in our gym for people to connect and socialize over cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate.
If you are a guest, or newer to Bethel, there is no obligation to give!
However, if you would like to bless Bethel financially - thank you! During each church service, we set aside a few minutes to give thanks to the Lord for His provision in our individual lives and in the life of the church, and to give back a portion of our financial resources to the Lord for His use in Bethel's mission and ministries. During this time, plates are passed through the pews for people to place offerings of cash or cheques, and some people use this time to send an e-transfer offering. (There is no obligation to do either.) We also have small prayer cards available in the pews for people to write prayers of worship and thanksgiving and place them in the offering plate.
Alternately, there is an offering box in the Main Foyer and the Library for cheques (or cash) donations; ask a Greeter to show you where they are located.
For online giving options visit our Giving page.
We generally celebrate and partake in Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
When you arrive at church, you will receive a pre-packaged wafer & juice cup from a Greeter. Take it with you to your seat in the Sanctuary and wait for information and instruction at some point during the service. We generally partake of Communion from our seats, rather that getting up and walking to the front of the church.
There is no obligation to participate in Communion; to learn about what Communion means and why we celebrate it together, email daniel@bethelkingston.com