In Matthew 6, and in many other places, Jesus taught us to forgive others just as we have been forgiven. Talk about a challenging command! In a broken world full…

Room for More

August 14, 2022
Our kitchen tables are always hub of activity - a place where life happens and we invite others in, squeezing in that extra chair. There is always room for one…

Contend for the Faith

August 7, 2022
The letter of Jude - a quick read near the very end of the Bible - was written to people who know the gospel well and follow Christ faithfully, yet…

Peace & Contentment

July 24, 2022
We all desire to live lives full of peace and contentment; unfortunately, we are all too familiar with the elusiveness of these qualities. Guest Pastor Doug Schonberg brings us to…

Bread of Heaven

July 17, 2022
In John 6 we find Jesus and his disciples in charge of a very large crowd that needed to eat. It was an impossible situation to be in, and yet…

Rivers in the Desert

July 10, 2022
Today's guest speaker, Paul, is a Bethel alum from his days at Queen's. After graduating, God called him into ministry in Quebec, and then to North Africa! Using scripture from…

Planting Seeds

June 12, 2022
As followers of Christ, we are called and empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8) In this message, Ken Vissers…
In Luke chapter 17 we meet a group of men with a disease that socially isolates them from their community. Sound familiar? And when Jesus intervenes to heal them, only…
On Palm Sunday we remember the moments in which the Jews celebrated Jesus' arrival at Jerusalem. (Matthew 21: 1-10) Why did they do that? Who did they think Jesus was,…