Evil, Suffering, and the Question of God
January 12, 2020

Evil, Suffering, and the Question of God

Passage: Luke 15:3-7

Bible Text: Luke 15:3-7 | Preacher: Guest Speaker | Series: Crucial Conversations | Oftentimes when we see and experience evil and suffering in the world, we question if there is a God. However, in today’s Crucial Conversation we present the idea that evil and suffering could be an argument for the existence of God.

Guest speaker Daniel Gilman is an itinerant speaker with RZIM, and has a background in justice, politics, leadership development, and expositional preaching. Daniel is passionate about the Bible’s credibility, historical evidence for the resurrection, and how only the Christian God bears the marks of evil. Read Daniel’s full bio here.

Today’s message references a bulletin insert with Discussion Questions & Prayer Guide. Use this link to further this Crucial Conversation with your Life Group, family, or in your personal devotions.