TEDD Talk – Women In Leadership
May 20, 2021

TEDD Talk – Women In Leadership


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TEDD Talks are special events held by Bethel Church featuring practical tools, skills, and knowledge to help you grow as a disciple of Jesus. Various pastors, teachers, and trusted leaders within the Bethel community lead a short presentation, followed by a time of discussion and questions.


Carmen Gauvin-O’Donnell
“I have been working for Bethel Church as Church Administrator for 14 years, but have been a passionate student of God’s Word since I came to Christ back in 1992. A few years ago I realized that, although I leaned toward complementarianism, I didn’t really know WHY I believed what I believed, and so undertook a more “serious” study of the issue of women in leadership in ministry, supplementing the Scriptures with some good books that presented both sides of the issue. This allowed me, in the end, to “declare” myself the complementarian I always was! That having been said, I firmly believe that the mind really is like a parachute, functioning best when open, so I am happy to be here on this occasion with Dr. Cynthia, and look forward to growing in the understanding of both positions.”

Cynthia Long Westfall, Ph.D.
Cynthia is the Associate Professor of New Testament at McMaster Divinity College. She has kindly agreed to join us on zoom and present on the egalitarian view. 


Note the following scripture passages and articles.