What do you think about God? Who is God to you? Your answer to these questions might be the most important thing you think about. In Acts chapter 17 we…
Have you been bumping up against closed doors lately? You're trying to move forward in faith, but the Lord seems to be blocking you at every turn? In these frustrating…
Have you ever spent hours, days, or even years in prayer for something, waiting for God to move? In Acts chapter 12 we find the Peter and the church under…
Have you ever been drawn to a place where you don't belong? A place where you are very clearly an outsider? In Acts chapter 8 (vs 26-39) we find two…
If you are a follower of Christ, the moment that you said yes to Him you were given new life and filled with the Holy Spirit. What an amazing gift…

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June 25, 2023
Within Acts we find several stories of financial transactions...and they don't typically end well. The story of Ananias & Sapphira is one of those stories (chapters 4 & 5), and…
In Acts chapter 3 we read the account of a miraculous healing that is familiar to many people, yet in our familiarity we may be missing some of the details...or…