Lunch Potluck // Sun, Apr 21
Lunch Potluck
Everyone is invited to a big church family lunch as we say farewell to our post-secondary students for the year!
- Bring your favourite cold dish, salad, platter or finger food to share, plus a serving spoon. (Nothing that needs to be kept warm, or that requires a bowl and spoon. Thanks!)
- Post-secondary students…please come & enjoy; no obligation to bring a dish unless you’d like to.
- Coffee, tea, hot chocolate & water will be provided.
- Plates & cutlery provided will be provided.
- Chairs will be arranged throughout the gym for a casual lunch to encourage movement, mixing, and mingling.
- We will be eating lunch with plates on our laps, plus a few tables for kids and others who prefer it.
Potluck Pro-Tips:
- Make a dish large enough to feed your own family…plus a bit extra for our post-secondary students.
- Bring a small ingredient list, if possible, or a label indicating any diet or allergy considerations. (Ex. Vegetarian, Gluten Free)
- Label your container and spoon with your name to prevent lost items.
- Bring a take-away container if you want to give away your leftovers.
Questions? Email office[at]