Sermons & Media


Are you in process of making a big decision? Are you trying to discern the right path take? In this message, Pastor Mark draws on wisdom from 1 Timothy chapter…
In Luke chapter 17 we meet a group of men with a disease that socially isolates them from their community. Sound familiar? And when Jesus intervenes to heal them, only…
1 Timothy 5: 19-21 - Pastor Mark addresses the reality of brokenness and sinfulness amongst leaders, even those whom we put on a pedestal. We are also reminded that we…
Do you need encouragement? Of course! Everyone NEEEDS encouragement...yet not everyone GIVES encouragement. In this message focusing on 1 Timothy 5: 17-18, Pastor Mark reminds us to encourage each other,…
In Paul's letter to Timothy we read some pretty interesting and specific instructions (1 Timothy 5:3-16) about how the church should care for widows in their community...and when to NOT…
Christ is risen, he is risen indeed! In this Easter Sunday message we are confronted with the truth that we are defective, crooked and estranged from God. But thanks be…
On Palm Sunday we remember the moments in which the Jews celebrated Jesus' arrival at Jerusalem. (Matthew 21: 1-10) Why did they do that? Who did they think Jesus was,…
Is there a lot of noise in your life? Maybe the noise of the daily news is overwhelming, perhaps the noise of family drama is escalating, or it could be…

Authority & Trust

March 27, 2022
At the beginning of 1 Timothy chapter 5, Paul gives Timothy some seemingly simply instructions to respect the people he pastors. However, when we dive deeper to understand the reason,…

Self Leadership

March 20, 2022
How well to you lead yourself? If you're honest, does your private life operate by the same biblical standards that you expect from others? If asked, would you admit the…
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Click on any Series name or Preacher name above, or the Search button below to search through sermons from January 2018 to present. For sermons prior to 2018, contact the church office.