Sermons & Media


The Truth of Love

September 25, 2022
The letter of 2 John is a bit of an enigma. We don't actually know who the writer and recipient are of this very short letter, yet we know that…

Being With Jesus

September 18, 2022
We tend to focus a lot on what Jesus said and did from the accounts of the Gospel writers, but have you ever wondered what it would have been like…
Guest pastor Liz Sacrey from Kingston Pregnancy Care Centre helps us frame a biblical view for the sanctity of life. If God is the Author of life and He is…
If asked, could you articulate your worldview? How do you see and understand the fundamentals of the world that we live in? In today's message, Carmen takes us through four…

Best Laid Plans

August 28, 2022
You're probably familiar with the phrase "expect the unexpected" but if you're honest, you'd prefer that the unexpected things in life would happen to someone else! However, the plans we…
In Matthew 6, and in many other places, Jesus taught us to forgive others just as we have been forgiven. Talk about a challenging command! In a broken world full…

Room for More

August 14, 2022
Our kitchen tables are always hub of activity - a place where life happens and we invite others in, squeezing in that extra chair. There is always room for one…

Contend for the Faith

August 7, 2022
The letter of Jude - a quick read near the very end of the Bible - was written to people who know the gospel well and follow Christ faithfully, yet…

Faith Is Not Wishing

July 31, 2022
You've probably heard someone say that they have "blind faith" in God. Or maybe you've questioned your own faith, asking "if I look for proof, where is there room for…

Peace & Contentment

July 24, 2022
We all desire to live lives full of peace and contentment; unfortunately, we are all too familiar with the elusiveness of these qualities. Guest Pastor Doug Schonberg brings us to…
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