Sermons & Media


A Straw Up Your Nose

November 21, 2021
In one short verse (1 Timothy 2 verse 8) Paul addresses a big problem in the church: people are coming to pray and worship, but ignoring their sin of anger.…


November 14, 2021
Have you ever gone through something that was so much harder than expected? Has this been true of your faith journey with Jesus? Many things in the world come hard…

Praying For Leaders

November 7, 2021
In 1 Timothy chapter 2 we are urged to pray for all people, including leaders and those in positions of authority. But what if we don't agree with those leaders?…

Perfect Patience

October 31, 2021
Do you struggle with patience? The answer is probably a resounding yes! Thankfully, as we see in 1 Timothy chapter 1 and in the life of the Apostle Paul, we…

Love Is Anchored

October 24, 2021

The Walking Wounded

October 17, 2021
None of us are strangers to mental health challenges, whether in our own lives or in those we love. This is why we are so privileged to have Brett Ullman…

Thanksgiving & Communion

October 10, 2021
Happy Thanksgiving! Guest pastor Tim Edward brings us a message today from John 9, encouraging us to have eyes to see the abundance God has given us.
As we've seen in previous weeks, Nehemiah found himself in mourning and sorrow over the ruined city of Jerusalem and is determined to rebuild it despite many obstacles. But can…
In our second look at the book of Nehemiah, we address the overarching reason why the Israelites had found themselves in a place of ruin and chaos - they had…
Has your world ever collapsed around you? Nehemiah's sure did - literally. In this message, we learn from Nehemiah's response to the destruction of Jerusalem and are encouraged to draw…
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