September 15, 2019

“Word” Lifting

Passage: Luke 4:1-21

Bible Text: Luke 4:1-21 | Preacher: Mark Kotchapaw | Series: CrossFit | Today’s culture puts huge value on getting physically fit. So many of us work hard to keep our body healthy, desire to look like that person we follow on social media, or strive to break our personal best record. And there are literally thousands of exercises, gyms, programs, equipment, and methodologies we can use to reach our goals. But what about our spiritual fitness? How hard to we work on being spiritually fit? Who are we modeling our actions after, so that we look like the Right Person?

Today we look at the discipline of reading and studying the Word, as modelled by Jesus. But how can we tell that Jesus has been “word” lifting? Luke 4:1-21 gives us some clues!