Celebrating is important! Today's service was centred around celebration, including a family dedication, Pastor Jamie's 10th anniversary, God's financial provision at Bethel, the impact church has on the lives of…


November 10, 2019
What does hospitality look like? Culture tells it's a beautifully decorated home, an Instagram worthy 3-course meal, and a cozy ensuite bedroom with chocolates on the pillow. But what if…

Soul Food (Communion)

November 3, 2019
How often do you eat with your community? Eating together makes our hearts glad and is part of the commitment of friendship & community that we've made to each other.…

Praying Is Hard

October 27, 2019
Praying is hard. Does that resonate with you? What is your experience with prayer? For many of us, praying can be challenging, confusing, and unsatisfying. We know that Jesus prayed…

Fasting & Failure

October 20, 2019
Have you ever approached a task knowing that there is a significant risk of failure? Is it even worth trying, if failure is a likely outcome? We are often told…


October 6, 2019
Sometimes we get stuck in actions, choices, or sin patterns that we know are not in step with being a disciple of Jesus. How do we go about "detoxing" from…

Training With Jesus

September 29, 2019
Serving the world around us is a key part of being a disciple of Jesus; we are His hands and feet in world! But, as we serve others, is our…

Rest and Trust

September 22, 2019
We live in an extremely busy culture and no one needs to be convinced that we are in dire need of rest. The bible even tells us in various places…

“Word” Lifting

September 15, 2019
Today’s culture puts huge value on getting physically fit. So many of us work hard to keep our body healthy, desire to look like that person we follow on social…