Room for More

August 14, 2022
Our kitchen tables are always hub of activity - a place where life happens and we invite others in, squeezing in that extra chair. There is always room for one…
In Luke chapter 17 we meet a group of men with a disease that socially isolates them from their community. Sound familiar? And when Jesus intervenes to heal them, only…
Are you waiting for something? Waiting for a job, waiting for healing, waiting for a dream to come true, waiting for the pandemic to end? Life is full of some…
How you ever wondered what Jesus would have said or done during the past year and half of pandemic times? What would Jesus' response be to hard and uncertain times?…

The Thief

March 28, 2021
We don't know anything about the path that the thief took to end up on a cross beside Jesus. (Matthew 27: 44, Luke 23: 39-43) But in those last few…

“Word” Lifting

September 15, 2019
Today’s culture puts huge value on getting physically fit. So many of us work hard to keep our body healthy, desire to look like that person we follow on social…